Backstreet dance, Cairns

Work Experience

    • Make a difference in other people’s lives
    • Build confidence and empowerment
    • Develop leadership skills
    • Receive loads of personal and professional development
    • Gain ability to adapt to situations and think on your feet
    • Gain effective communication skills
    • Receive compulsory training and a handbook
    • Have the opportunity to perform on stage with your students (if approved).
    1. Dance at Backstreet for at least 6 months
    2. Be competent in either Jazz/Contemporary or Hip Hop
    3. Keep up consistent classes in the above styles
    4. Minimum age is 12 years old
    5. You MUST be very confident in your own dancing – because students look up to you!!
    6. Intermediate to advanced level of dance skill/ability
    7. Love of children
    8. Not have any visible tattoos or multiple piercings
    9. A positive attitude is a must
    10. Responsible and Punctual
    11. Maturity (professional)
    12. Willing to learn and take direction from your Teacher/Director
    13. Be willing to interact with your students before, during and after class
    14. Personal pride in your own appearance (remember you are a role model for these children)
    15. Commitment to your allocated class – every week where possible. Your attendance must be high and you also must commit to performing in your own class on a consistent basis. Showing a low attendance/low commitment can jeopardise your student teaching position.
    16. Commitment to attend compulsory training sessions and meetings with the Director

NOTE: You will only be allocated a class that you have experience in eg. If you learn jazz, you will only be allocated a jazz class. If you learn hip hop, you will only be allocated a hip hop class. If you have experience in all styles, you could be allocated any class you choose.


Please read the Agreement HERE of what to expect, what to wear and how to behave.

  1. Complete the Application Form and submit BEFORE Term starts. Read the Agreement online.
  2. Receive news if you have secured a spot as a Student Teacher – week 1.
  3. Receive your Work Experience Checklists and Quiz and name badges- week 1.
  4. Return your signed your Quiz by Week 3 of term.
  5. Attend Compulsory Training.
  6. Start your Work Experience as outlined in your Agreement and on this web page (dates are listed on this page)


    • outlining 3 areas you did great at
    • outlining an area you could work on for next time
    • Professionalism (inside and outside the studio)
    • Representing Backstreet
    • Being a positive role model
    • Dance Safety
    • Goal Setting
    • Building confidence in yourself
    • Building confidence in your students
    • Managing Behaviour 
    • Strategies to keep Students engaged
    • The importance of line up before class and how to do so
    • Connecting with students and Parents


Applications for Term 1, 2025 are NOW CLOSED!

NOTE: Applications work on a FIRST IN BEST DRESSED basis, yet sometimes we love to share the opportunity around to those who have not had the chance to experience being a Student Teacher yet.

NOTE: Application Forms are due in BEFORE term starts.


(all are compulsory if you are applying)

Monday 3rd February. Receive a text of your acceptance. Receive your paperwork and badges in class.  Dance Term Starts.


Saturday 13th February – Compulsory Student Teacher Training.


Week of 17th February:  Observe your class

– start the week before if you know you will be away for one week during the term. Please text Deb if this is the case.


Week of 24th February – Get involved in the class


Week of 3rd March – in the class


Week of 10th March – in the class & Performance Approval


Week of 17th March – in the class (Party Week)

Read HERE to prepare for Party Week & Rehearsals


Week of  24th March – Full Dress Rehearsals


Saturday 29th March – Production Day


Monday 31st March & Tuesday 1st April– Return your Costume to Costume Returns



MORE DETAILS about each week is listed below.


Selected Student Teachers for Term 1 are as follows:

If you are selected, you must read and agree to the expectations laid out in this Agreement HERE

Tuesday 1A with Miss Sammy –Prejunior Hip Hop 4-6yo – Bethany Vanderham
Tuesday 1B with Miss Sammy–Junior Hip Hop 7-9yo – Miley Stokes
Wednesday 1C with Miss Amanda –Prejunior Jazz/Funk 4-6yo – Ella Sterrett
Wednesday 1D with Miss Amanda – Junior Jazz/Funk 7-9yo – Abigail Farrell
Thursday 2J with Miss Deb– Junior Hip Hop 7-9yo – Miley Stokes
Thursday 1F with Miss Sammy – Prejunior Ballet/Contemporary 4-6yo – Natalie Morse
Thursday 1G with Miss Sammy– Junior Ballet/Contemporary 7-9yo – Lisa Morse
Saturday 1J with Miss Deb – Saturday Tiny Tots Jazz/Funk 3-4yo – Isabella Brand
Saturday 1L with Miss Deb– Saturday Prejunior Hip Hop 4-6yo – Jakayla Anderson
Saturday 1N with Miss Sammy– Saturday Junior Jazz/Funk 7-9yo – Lisa Morse

COMPULSORY Training Session:

Saturday 15th February

Time:  12.30pm to 2pm

– Wear: Backstreet Uniform (so we can approve) & wear your Badges & dance shoes

– Bring: Pen and prepare some questions to ask, Quiz if haven’t handed in already


Class Observation:

Week of 17th February (you will be required to observe your allocated class and complete an observation form).

  • Bring a pen and the OBSERVATION FORM that is in your WORK EXPERIENCE PACK.
  • You will be given a chair to sit on near the Teachers station so you can observe the class.
  • Observe and write notes about what the Assistant & Teacher eg. observe strategies used; how things are said and done, etc
  • You are welcome to watch more classes if you choose, but must choose classes 3-9yo.



Class Choreography Dropbox Link:

You can access this on the CLASS CHOREO page of our website by the end of Observation Week.  This is so you are familiar with the choreography. Knowing the choreography is important as your students rely on you. Please practice it at home before you get involved in the class and start dancing with the students.



In Class Assisting:

Start Week of 24th February for 4 weeks (arrive 30 mins prior to your allocated class and leave 15-20 mins after your class has finished/handed in checklist BEFORE you leave)

NOTE: If you miss a week due to school camp or a previously arranged event, please text Deb and we can organise for you to start your training earlier in the term.



Performance Approval:

Dates & Times for Term 1

(please text 0407 995 182 your preferred date/time by 5pm on Monday 10th March):


Miss Deb’s Student Teachers can choose either:

– Isabella and Miley – Deb will chat to you through the term

– Jakayla – please choose one of Sammy’s timeslots and she can approve of you for class 1L


Miss Sammys Student Teachers can choose either:

– Tuesday 11th March either at 3.30pm or 5.45pm


– Thursday 13th March either at 3.30pm or 7pm


Miss Amandas Student Teachers can choose either:

– Wednesday 12th March either at 3.30pm OR 6.45pm


If you pass the performance approval, you will receive a newsletter outlining what to expect at rehearsals and the Production.

When you are with the Teacher for this one on one meeting – this is also a great chance to ask any specific questions you may have. Use your time wisely as one on one with the Teacher is hard to come by. Value the time.



Week of 24th March

– Refer to the rehearsal schedule online – released in approx Week 3-4 of term


End of Term Performance:

Saturday 29th March

View the Production schedule when released.


Costume Returns

Return your Student Teacher costume along with Name Badges on the Monday or Tuesday after the Production between 1pm and 6.30pm. 

2025 Term Dates:

Term 1 2025

4th February to  29th March


Term 2 2025

 22nd April to 21st June

(NO Classes on Anzac Long Weekend 26th April.Term Fees will be reduced slightly for all Saturday classes)


Term 3 2025

 15th July to 13th September


Term 4 2025

To be advised