Backstreet dance, Cairns

Production Schedule

saturday 29th march 2025

  Download the PDF of the ORDER OF SHOW for Term 1, 2025 HERE

Production Info

Why perform?

It is our philosophy to provide students with the opportunity to dance on stage not just once a year, but every single term. It has been proven that short term goals improve confidence, keep enthusiasm at a continual high and provide a regular sense of achievement.

Check out this video to gain an insight into our fun end of term productions: CLICK HERE

Where are the Productions held?

We hold all our productions at private venues, such as school halls that provide staging, aircon, lighting, comfortable seating, convenient amenities, etc. Eg. Edge Hill state School

Who can perform?

ALL students are strongly encouraged to perform as it greatly benefits their confidence, however, there is no pressure to do so.

Is it compulsory?

Absolutely not. However, because the performances are so beneficial to self-esteem and having fun – 99% of students decide to perform every term. Students need something to look forward to – performances give you motivation to attend dance classes with enthusiasm. Everyone needs a reason to do something – performances are a perfect reason to practice dance

What if I choose not to perform?

If you choose NOT to participate in the end of term production for whatever reason, students will still be included in all classroom activities and given a “pretend” stage position. However you MUST inform Reception by the 3rd week of the term due to choreographing and costuming purposes, otherwise we assume your decision is a ‘no’.  Pulling out at the last minute is not acceptable – it can affect the confidence of the rest of the class. Therefore please check your diary to determine your availability for the compulsory full dress rehearsals and the production date.  If a student misses 3 classes or more within a term – the student will not be permitted to perform (refer to ABSENCES section).

Note: If you choose NOT to perform – you are not expected to hire a costume and not permitted to attend rehearsals (due to its potential affect on others and their stage positions on stage.) Non-performers receive their Certificate of Achievement/Trophy during the last week of classes at the Studio.

When are they held?

You can find all the Term Production Dates HERE

Show & Ticket Info

Term 1 Performance Date:  Saturday 29th March 2025

Venue:  Edge Hill State School Performing Arts Centre, Pease Street, Edge Hill

3 Showtimes:  12noon;   2pm;   4pm

(Duration:   approx. 1 hour per show)


  • Each class is allocated to one show.
  • Scroll below for the schedule.
  • Ticket prices are $15 per person per show if bought BEFORE Production Day or $20 if bought on Production Day (cash only).
  • Tickets available to purchase at Reception two weeks prior to rehearsals
  • Accept cash only at rehearsals.
  • 3yo and under are free if sitting on Parents lap.
  • Performing Students are free when they present their wristband (found in the bottom of your costume bag) to the ushers at the front door on the day.
  • Half price discount on show tickets applies to those who perform in more than one show and for immediate family members (2 or more in a family) who are performing in different shows. Must show membership card at reception to receive the discount.
  • No discounts apply on Production Day.
  • Show tickets are non-refundable. No transfers given. No credits given.
  • On Production Day, if you arrive when the show has already started – there is no guarantee that we can seat your family together. Therefore best to arrive early and well before the show starts. 
  • Doors open 30 mins prior to each show.
  • All performers – Go backstage 3 songs before your dance to line up.If in the 1st or 2nd act – go backstage 10 mins before start of show!
  • Parents of 3 to 6yo – Must take their child backstage and ensure your child meets up with the Assistant Teacher before leaving them & must ensure to meet your child backstage immediately after their dance.
12noon show

 1 Sat (2N) Preteen Jazz/Funk 10-12yo
“A Little Party Never Killed Nobody”


2 Thurs (1G) Junior Ballet/Contemporary 7-9yo


3 Wed (1C) Prejunior Jazz/Funk 4-6yo
“The Family Madrigal”


4 Sat (1L) Prejunior Hip Hop 4-6yo
“Pump It Up”


5 Thurs (1H) Adult Hip Hop Beg/Int


6 Thurs (2J) Junior Hip Hop 7-9yo
“Let’s Get It Started”


7 Sat (1J) Tiny Tots Jazz/Funk 3-4yo
“I’m So Excited”


8 Student & Teacher Showcase: DUO
Miss Deb & Harper Ralston: “Training Season”


9 Tues (2D) Adult Jazz/Funk Advanced
“Come Together”


10 Tues (2B) Teen Hip Hop Advanced 13yo+
“RATATA Remix”

2pm show

1 Wed (2F) Teen Jazz Advanced 13yo+
“On Broadway”


2 Tues (1A) Prejunior Hip Hop 4-6yo


3 Thurs (2K) Preteen Jazz/Funk 10-12yo
“Don’t Start Now”


4 Student & Teacher Showcase: DUO
Miss Deb & Maniah-Jean Allum: “APT.”


5 Sat (1N) Junior Jazz/Funk 7-9yo
“Runaway Baby”


6 Wed (1E) Teen JFH Beg/Int 13yo+
“On The Floor”


7 Sat (1K) Prejunior Jazz/Funk 5-6yo


8 Wed (2H) Adult Jazz/Funk Intermediate


9 Student & Teacher Showcase: DUO
Miss Deb & Caroline Murohoshi: “Finesse”


10 Tues (1B) Junior Hip Hop 7-9yo
“Rock This Party”


11 Sat (2M) Preteen Hip Hop 10-12yo
“Plain Jane/Tambourine Remix”

4pm show

1 Wed (2E) Preteen Jazz/Funk 10-12yo
“Planet Earth/Earth Song”


2 Thurs (1F) Prejunior Ballet/Contemporary 4-6yo
“Just a Wish”


3 Sat (1M) Junior Hip Hop 7-9yo
“It’s On Again”


4 Student Showcase: SOLO
Miley Stokes: “Birthday Cake”


5 Wed (2G) Adult Jazz/Funk Beginner
“Cold Heart”


6 Tues (2A) Preteen Hip Hop 10-12yo
“Astronaut in the Ocean”


7 Wed (2I) Teen/Adult Heels 16yo+
“Man! I Feel Like a Woman!”


8 Thurs (2L) Preteen/Teen Ballet/Contemporary 10yo+
“Rolling in the Deep”


9 Student & Teacher Showcase: DUO
Miss Deb & Avery-Rose Heenan: “Look What You Made Me Do”


10 Wed (1D) Junior Jazz/Funk 7-9yo
“Mamma Mia”


11 Tues (2C) Adult Hip Hop Advanced
“Summer Love”